Massive Assault

Now Matrix ships demos - Where can I download the MA Demo?
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Author:  Ronn [ Wed Dec 10, 2003 3:36 am ]
Post subject:  Now Matrix ships demos - Where can I download the MA Demo?


Here in germany there was a MA-demo on a magazin dvd.
But because I do not have a dvd-drive, i can't get it.

So I ask month ago: Where can I download the demo?
The answer was: No download-demo, because Matrix shipts no Demos.

Ok, it was easy for me: No demo - I don't buy the game.

But Now Matrix ships this week the Squad Assault-demo.
This means, NOW Matrix ships demos :)

Question again:

Please could you tell me, where I can download the MA-demo?

Thx again

Author:  VaNO [ Wed Dec 10, 2003 5:56 am ]
Post subject: 

Yes, you're right. Matrix Games decided to publish demo of Massive Assault too. It will be prepared for download soon. and Matrix Games will announce it on our websites. will post it on the forum and will send e-mails to press and people, whose e-mail we know. As soon you are registered on the forum - you will receive this e-mail.

Author:  Ronn [ Thu Dec 11, 2003 5:29 am ]
Post subject: 

That are realy great News :)

Thx again


Author:  Lars [ Thu Dec 11, 2003 9:07 am ]
Post subject: 

I assume, that this won't bring anything more, than it is now...
I mean, publishers often release demos before the release of the game, as well, so that people could try it and then deside wether they want to buy or not.
Now, that almost everybody has the game, tha's a bad move...
And all you out there, who are thinking 'To buy or not to buy...?'
Definetly buy this game.
If you'r a pro in TBS, that's a great challenge for you and a great game, as well.
If you have never played TBS games before - this is your chance. The game is very easy to learn. So, i guarantee (not sure if the spelling is correct), that you'll just love it!

Author:  chip5541 [ Thu Dec 11, 2003 12:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

That is good to hear about the demo. I have been waiting for one.

Author:  Ronn [ Thu Dec 11, 2003 5:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hi Lars,

nice to read your answer ...
But the question in this thread was not: "Need we still the demo"?
No, the question was: "Where can I download the demo" ;)

Next time please read the Threadheader carefully.

And I see too, you are not a marketing guy ...
You "assume, that this won't bring anything more".
"Assume" is good, but the REAL figures are better :)

(BTW: that's my RL-Job -With a "after-release"-Demo
you get particular target groups, that can made up to 30% of sales.)

>Now, that almost everybody has the game, tha's a bad move...>
Because the guys who have the game will bring it back ? *g*

>Definetly buy this game. <

The question in this thread was not buy or not to buy.

I played many wargames in my live ...
Scince C64 times ...
I spend every month alot of money in gaming ...

But I've learnd my lesson:

"The demo is what sold me on the original game. I definitely see it as a red flag when a company does not release a demo for a game. If I'm laying down 40-50 non-refundable dollars, I want a test drive. I'm a realtor and when someone buys a home, they have an inspection done by a engineer. I think of demos as a "game" inspection."


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