Massive Assault

Support for more then 2 players.
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Author:  TooKool [ Thu Dec 26, 2002 6:55 am ]
Post subject: 

Well this may be very hard to impossible to put in depending on how you have coded what you have so far. But the option to have upto say 5 players would be nice. Though the battles would be long they would also be fun.

I use to play a galatic space combat play by mail game and some games had upto 32 people in them and they generaly went smooth all in all. Though they generaly lasted for several weeks (500 to 1000 turns).

Author:  Sky Keeper [ Thu Dec 26, 2002 7:49 am ]
Post subject: 

The most painfull difference is that in Stars!, xspace and the like you give orders which are resolved by server, so a game can be considered an RTS with a very low frame rate (you get a change once a day). These rules are fully TURN BASED - you have to know your oppenent turn to make your own. To implement real multiplayer (more than 2 seides (not players)) a complete redesign of rules have to be made.

Author:  TooKool [ Thu Dec 26, 2002 8:23 am ]
Post subject: 

Humm. Like I said I dont know how the server handles stuff and what the client handles. (Havent and dont plan to pick it all apart at this time)

But I see only a few small changes but is it really that hard to say just allow another player in and it runs around in turns in a round robin style. One goes then the next and then so on in a circle.

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