Massive Assault

I quit playing M.A.N. 2
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Author:  Morn [ Tue Jul 05, 2011 1:44 pm ]
Post subject:  I quit playing M.A.N. 2

Hello everyone!

I played the complete Massive Assault Series and M.A.N. 2 is by far the best. Unfortunately they have all a major flaw - the secret ally contribution (layout) is completely random. This means if you have bad luck and your opponent is as smart as you are, it's quite likely that you lose the game.

I consider Trinity the best map of this game because if you get your ass kicked in one area you might get into the game somewhere else because the map is very large and has a lot of countries.

I got screwed in the last King of Trinity tournament and now again. I attached some files so you can see for yourself.

Don't get me wrong. You must have at least some skill to use this better layout for your own good.

If the developers of this game are interested in how to cover this issue I'm willing to help but my last information was that there won't be a M.A.N. 3 ...

I wish all players good luck, you will probably need it!

Good bye

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Author:  walla [ Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I quit playing M.A.N. 2

I understand your message.
I think it is not a hasard for your games.
I trust in no way during the generation of the parts.
I have to view a large number of parts and it is incredible every time as the Russian players of top 20 are favored.
You are a big honest player and your departure saddens me.
Bye bye "FEDERER" of MAN2.
It is you the number one of this game. :wink:
If you want to play a last part against me, send me a challenge.

Author:  StefA96 [ Tue Jul 05, 2011 5:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I quit playing M.A.N. 2

Well, the fact that there won't be M.A.N. 3 is very sad. With little more promoting, M.A.N. 3 would become a legend, example are many players who are playing this game for very long time, they saw beauty in M.A.N. 2 and that's why they keep playing, M.A.N. 3 would be played by everyone who can call himself a strategist because the gameplay of M.A.N. is an ultimate test of military strategy and cannot be seen in any other game. M.A.N. 3 maybe look so close while reading this but it's still unfortunately too far from reality. Massive Assault Network 2 is example of perfect strategy game, all others like Command&Conquer and StarCraft are based on speed of playing, winner is always the one who is faster in building, producing's all about speed of clicking but not in this game, it's STRATEGY what is important here. After 512.000 games and 5 years, this game can proudly call itself best turn based strategy ever made.

Author:  ruma [ Tue Jul 05, 2011 5:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I quit playing M.A.N. 2

It is very sad news...

I hope that you will back to this game later!

P.S. Do not forget the main thing - it's just a GAME!

Author:  Morn [ Tue Jul 05, 2011 6:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I quit playing M.A.N. 2

Walla, which part of "completely random" didn't you understand? No, I don't think that the country distribution (layout) was altered in any way. I just had bad luck.

You could argue that vs. alex1978 I got green again like in the last tournament but on a map like Trinity this hardly makes any difference because the map is so big and other factors are much more important (like the layout and the players skill of course).

I won't play any more turns or games. I made my last turn ever in M.A.N. 2 in the game vs. Goo where I performed a Morn Takeover for the last time.

@ruma: Absolutely, I'm your opinion, luck and skill are linked very close to this game and yes, it's only a game. Well, I don't agree with you that it has to be this way. I would like to play a M.A.N. game where no luck is involved - skill only. When I play against a player who is as skilled as I'm, I don't want to play games anymore where I need to be lucky in order to win it.

On a side note: I don't think it's a strategy game. Massive Assault Network is more about tactics. With the secret allies (SA) concept you can hardly make a lot of long term decisions. Strategy is involved when you decide which SA you disclose and when. And after all SAs had been disclosed. Figuring out what units to buy and when and where and moving them is tactics - and this you're doing most of the time.

Author:  Le_Roy [ Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I quit playing M.A.N. 2

I`ve got the terrible lay-outs on every tourney when I played (vs Tiger, Alex, Toha on treasure island , vs Chavez,Alex on twins, vs Morn, Sapara on trinity, vs AHgpeu on sea switz,etc etc etc………I know, this is a fate. :) But I`m still playing.
May be in the September we will create some new balanced maps, all players can take part in it.
Send me your opinions.

Author:  guderian27 [ Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I quit playing M.A.N. 2

Hey guys, are you smart enough???? You are NOW talking about things that I said YEARS wake up!! less Luck factor, less cheaters, more balanced layouts, more FAIRPLAY!! To Keeping MAN concept alive!
ps. I quit too!

Author:  pickardj79 [ Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I quit playing M.A.N. 2

I've been thinking about this problem recently and have an idea... (too bad there won't be a MAN 3 :cry: )

How about a country-selection system different from the secret allies system? As Morn pointed out, the secret allies has its drawbacks, namely that (a) you could be unlucky and given a "no-win" situation, and (b) (maybe more importantly) your strategic decisions are largely dictated by the allies you're randomly given - it's one of the aspects that makes MAN a very tactical game.

i think it would be cool to see some ability to select your starting countries. there are various ways this could be implemented, each with adv/dis-adv:

1) simultaneous selection of all countries - before the game each player selects all of the countries he wants (of the proper size, i.e. 3 small, 2 medium, 1 large). if both players select the same country then either they have to reselect w/o choosing that country or each is given another random country.

2) simultaneous selection of one country at a time, no disclosure in between. each person selects a single country to become their secret ally. if the players select the same one then they reselect or are assigned randomly, as above. once all secret allies are selected the game starts as usual (or each person's secret allies are automatically disclosed in the order they were selected, one country / turn).

3) simultaneous selection of one country at a time, disclosure in between. same as above except selections each turn are disclosed before the next round of selections. I like this method least.

4) a "bribing system" - all countries start out completely neutral (no allies). each player is given a set number of bribe points per turn. there is a new "bribe phase". during that phase the player gives his bribe points to any neutral country. when a player has given a neutral a certain number of bribe points more than his opponent has (8 for small economy, 12 for medium, 16 for large), then he wins that country as an ally. a similar approach would be for each player to be randomly given one country (the largest one, presumably) and then each player uses the bribing system to determine the rest of the allies.

number 4 is by far my favorite. of course the challenge is to keep game play simple, like the rest of MAN.

mull on it a bit before shooting holes in the idea. i think it could be very interesting. if it's not too hard to implement it might be at least worth testing.

Author:  pickardj79 [ Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I quit playing M.A.N. 2

No responses to my "bribing system" post :( . Must not be that interesting of an idea.

Another question I have: can someone provide more details on why the two maps posted by Morn are losers? I don't see it and would love to learn more. Thanks!

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